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Working with Panels

The examples below demonstrate the code used when working with controls and HTML snippets contained within Panels, including assigning control values and hiding the panels.

Note that the panel component is transparent when accessing embedded controls' properties and methods, therefore you may set control values using the same code whether components are within a panel or not.

Single Control within a Panel

Here is how to assign a value to, or hide a single control that is embedded within a panel. In this example we assume that a label named "UserLogin" is embedded within a panel named "Panel1" that is placed directly on the page (not inside a form). If a user is logged into the system we want to populate the label with the user's name, otherwise we want to hide the panel containing an HTML snippet and the label.

The following HTML code represents the panel structure:

<!-- BEGIN Panel Panel1 -->
   <td><Welcome {UserLogin}"></td>
<!-- END Panel Panel1 -->

The following Before Show event code is assigned to the Panel:


Function Panel1_BeforeShow(Sender)
  If CCGetUserID() Then
     UserLogin.Value = CCGetUserLogin()
     Panel1.Visible = false
  End if
End Function


function Panel1_BeforeShow(& $sender) {
global $Panel1;
global $UserLogin;

  if (CCGetUserID()) {
  } else {
     $Panel1->Visible = false;


sub Panel1_BeforeShow() {

  if (CCGetUserID()) {
  } else {
     $Panel1->{Visible} = 0;


<!---Event: BeforeShow. Control: Panel1 --->
  <CFIF IsDefined("Session.UserID)">
    <CFSET fldUserLogin = Session.UserLogin>
    <CFSET hidePanel1 = True>


'Panel Panel1 Event BeforeShow.
  If Not IsNothing(DBUtility.UserID) Then 
    Panel1.Visible = False
  End if


//Panel Panel1 Event BeforeShow.
  if (DBUtility.UserID != null) {
  } else {
     Panel1.Visible = false;


  String login = Utils.getUserLogin(e.getPage());
  if (login != null) {
  } else {

Multiple Controls within a Panel

Working with multiple controls embedded within a panel is similar to working with a single control.

In this example we assume that two record rows, one with a label named "User_id_assigned_by" and another with a label tasks_start_date" are embedded within a panel named "Panel1".  In the insert mode we want to hide both record rows and control, while in the Edit mode we want to assign a custom value to the label User_id_assigned_by. The record form is named "tasks".

The following HTML code represents the panel structure:

<!-- BEGIN Panel Panel1 -->
  <td>Assigned By</td>   
  <td>Start Date</td>   
<!-- END Panel Panel1 -->

The following Before Show event code is assigned to the "tasks" form:


Function tasks_BeforeShow()
  If tasks.EditMode Then
     tasks.user_id_assign_by.Value = CCDLookUp("emp_name", "employees", "emp_id=" &_
           DBIntranetDB.ToSQL(tasks.user_id_assign_by.Value, ccsInteger), DBIntranetDB)
     tasks.Panel1.Visible = false
  End if
End Function


function tasks_BeforeShow() {
global $tasks;
global $DBIntranetDB;
  if ($tasks->EditMode)
     $emp_name = CCDLookUp("emp_name", "employees", "emp_id=".
          $DBIntranetDB->ToSQL($tasks->user_id_assign_by->GetValue(), ccsInteger), $DBIntranetDB); 
    $tasks->Panel1->Visible = false;


sub tasks_BeforeShow() {
  $DBIntranetDB = clsDBIntranetDB->new();
  if ( $tasks->{EditMode} )
     $tasks->{user_id_assign_by}->SetValue(CCDlookUp("emp_name", "employees", " emp_id=" .
              $DBIntranetDB->ToSQL($tasks->{user_id_assign_by}->GetValue(), $ccsInteger),$DBIntranetDB));
    $tasks->{Panel1}->{Visible} = 0;


<!---Event: BeforeShow. Control: tasks --->
  <CFIF blnEditModeTasks>
    <CF_CCToSQL Value= "#flduser_id_assign_by#" Type= "#ccsInteger#" >
    <CF_CCDLookUp Field="emp_name" Table="employees" Where="emp_id=#CCToSQL#" Connection="IntranetDB">
    <CFSET flduser_id_assign_by=CCDLookUp>
    <CFSET hidePanel1 = True>


'Record tasks Event BeforeShow.
  Dim NewDao As DataAccessObject = Settings.IntranetDBDataAccessObject
  If IsInsertMode = True Then
    TasksPanel1.Visible = False
    tasksuser_id_assign_by.Text = Convert.ToString(NewDao.ExecuteScalar( _
                                "SELECT emp_name FROM employees WHERE emp_id="& _
                                Convert.ToString( tasksuser_id_assign_by.Text)))
  End if


//Record tasks Event BeforeShow.
  DataAccessObject NewDao = Settings.IntranetDBDataAccessObject;
  if (IsInsertMode)
    TasksPanel1.Visible = false;
    SqlCommand userNameCmd = new SqlCommand( "SELECT emp_name FROM employees " +
                             "WHERE emp_id=" + NewDao.ToSql(item.user_id_assign_by.GetFormattedValue, FieldType.Integer), NewDao);
    tasksuser_id_assign_by.Text = userNameCmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();



  if (e.getRecord().isEditMode()) 
    e.getControl().setValue(DBTools.dLookUp("emp_name", "employees", "emp_id=" + 
    DBTools.toSql(e.getControl().getFormattedValue(),JDBCConnection.INTEGER,"IntranetDB"), "IntranetDB"));

HTML Snippet within a Panel

In this example we hide sample panels that contain only HTML code and no controls. The following HTML code represents the panel structure:

<!-- BEGIN Panel Panel1 -->
<tr> <td>Welcome to our site</td> </tr>
  <!-- BEGIN Panel Panel2 -->
  <tr> <td>Administration</td> </tr>
  <!-- END Panel Panel2 -->
<!-- END Panel Panel1 -->

Note: to embed an HTML section within a panel, select an HTML code, then click on the panel icon on the Forms tab of the Toolbox.

The following Before Show event code is assigned to the panel:


1. Page level, where panels are placed on the page, outside of forms.
Function Panel1_BeforeShow()
  Panel1.Visible = false
End Function
2. Includable page level, where panels are placed on an includable page called "header".
Function header_Panel1_BeforeShow()
  header.Panel1.Visible = false
End Function
3. Form level, where panels are placed inside a record form called 'messages',
Function messages_Panel1_BeforeShow()
     messages.Panel1.Visible = false
End Function
4. Nested panels, where 'Panel2' is placed within 'Panel1'. The event code can be assigned to either 'Panel1' or 'Panel2'.
Function Panel2_BeforeShow()
     Panel2.Visible = false
End Function


1. Page level, where panels are placed on the page, outside of forms.
function Panel1_BeforeShow() {
global $Panel1;
     $Panel1->Visible = false;
2. Includable page level, where panels are placed on an includable page called "header".
function header_Panel1_BeforeShow() {
global $header;
     $header->Panel1->Visible = false;
3. Form level, where panels are placed inside a record form called 'messages',
function messages_Panel1_BeforeShow() {
global $messages;
     $messages->Panel1->Visible = false;
4. Nested panels, where 'Panel2' is placed within 'Panel1'. The event code can be assigned to either 'Panel1' or 'Panel2'.
function Panel2_BeforeShow() {
global $Panel2;
     $Panel2->Visible = false;


1. Page level, where panels are placed on the page, outside of forms.
sub Panel1_BeforeShow() {
     $Panel1->{Visible} = 0;
2. Includable page level, where panels are placed on an includable page called "header".
sub header_Panel1_BeforeShow() {
     $header->{Panel1}->{Visible} = 0;
3. Form level, where panels are placed inside a record form called 'messages',
sub messages_Panel1_BeforeShow() {
     $messages->{Panel1}->{Visible} = 0;
4. Nested panels, where 'Panel2' is placed within 'Panel1'. The event code can be assigned to either 'Panel1' or 'Panel2'.
sub Panel2_BeforeShow() {
     $Panel2->{Visible} = 0;


1. Page level, where panels are placed on the page, outside of forms.
<!---Event: BeforeShow. Control: NewPage1 --->
<CFSET hidePanel1 = True>
2. Includable page level, where panels are placed on an includable page called "header".
<!---Event: BeforeShow. Control: header --->
<CFSET hidePanel1 = True>
3. Form level, where panels are placed inside a record form called 'messages',
<!---Event: BeforeShow. Control: messages --->
<CFSET hidePanel1 = True>
4. Nested panels, where 'Panel2' is placed within 'Panel1'. The event code can be assigned to either 'Panel1' or 'Panel2'.
<!---Event: BeforeShow. Control: Panel2 --->
<CFSET hidePanel2 = True>


1. Page level, where panels are placed on the page, outside of forms.
'Page NewPage1 Event BeforeShow.
  Panel1.Visible = False
2. Includable page level, where panels are placed on an includable page called "header".
'Page header Event BeforeShow.
  Panel1.Visible = False
3. Form level, where panels are placed inside a record form called 'messages',
'Record messages Event BeforeShow.
  messagesPanel1.Visible = False
4. Nested panels, where 'Panel2' is placed within 'Panel1'. The event code can be assigned to either 'Panel1' or 'Panel2'.
'Panel Panel2 Event BeforeShow.
  Panel2.Visible = False


1. Page level, where panels are placed on the page, outside of forms.
//Page NewPage1 Event BeforeShow.
    Panel1.Visible = false;
2. Includable page level, where panels are placed on an includable page called "header".
//Page header Event BeforeShow.
    Panel1.Visible = false;
3. Form level, where panels are placed inside a record form called 'messages',
//Record messages Event BeforeShow.
    messagesPanel1.Visible = false;
4. Nested panels, where 'Panel2' is placed within 'Panel1'. The event code can be assigned to either 'Panel1' or 'Panel2'.
//Panel Panel2 Event BeforeShow.
    Panel2.Visible = false;


1. Page level, where panels are placed on the page, outside of forms.
2. Includable page level, where panels are placed on an includable page called "header".
3. Form level, where panels are placed inside a record form called 'messages',
4. Nested panels, where 'Panel2' is placed within 'Panel1'. The event code can be assigned to either 'Panel1' or 'Panel2'.

See also

On-line, printable versions and updates