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Report Label Reference

Design-Time Properties

Property Description
Name The name of the control.
Control Source Type The type of data source that will provide data for the control: Database Column, Code Expression, Special Value.
Control Source Specify the source of data for the control e.g. the name of a database column.
Data Type The type of data that will be contained in the control.
Format Depending on the Data Type property, select the format of the data that will be contained in the control.
Text if Empty Text to display, when the label's value is empty
Content Specify whether the content of the control is plain text or HTML code.
DBFormat Specify the format in which you want the control value to be entered into the database.
Hide Duplicates Specify if the duplicated values will be shown.
Function Function to be used if the value is to be auto-calculated
Reset At Specify the group name, where value of control should be reseted
Percent Of Specify the dispalying of value as percentage of total value


Event Description
Server Side Events
Before Show Occurs before the control is rendered to the page. This event can be used to change the value of the control.

Run-Time Properties (ASP)

Property Description
TotalFunction Specify function for auto-calculated labels.
IsPercent Indicate that displaying report value is percentage of total value.
EmptyText Specify an text that will be displayed in case the label value is empty.

Run-Time Properties (PHP)

Property Description
ComponentType Specifies type of an object, such as "TextBox", "Record", etc.
Parent Specifies parent container of an object, for example a record form for a textbox that is included within that form.
Visible This property determines whether the control will be shown or not.
TotalFunction Specify function for auto-calculated labels.
IsPercent Indicate that displaying report value is percentage of total value.
EmptyText Specify an text that will be displayed in case the label value is empty.

Methods (PHP)

Method Description
GetValue Retrieves the value of the Label control.
SetValue Sets the value of the Label control.
Reset Reset value of the total function.

Run-Time Properties (.NET)

Interface (Controls.ReportLabel)
Property Description
Visible Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control will be rendered on the page.
Text Gets or sets the text for the ReportLabel.
Function Gets or sets the function to be used if the value is to be auto-calculated.
ContentType Gets or sets the content type for the ReportLabel.
DataType Gets or sets the data type of the ReportLabel.
EmptyText Gets or sets the text to display when the label's value is empty.
Format Gets or sets the format to be used when display label value.
PercentOf Gets or sets the name of report group, relative to percent value will be calculated.
ResetAt Gets or sets the section, where value of control should be reseted.
Source Gets or sets the data source (field name or code expression).
SourceType Gets or sets the data source type for the ReportLabel.

Model Layer

Property Description
<control name> Contains the current value of the control.

Run-Time Variables (CF,CFT)

Variable Description
fld<control name> Holds the value of the control.
hide<control name> This variable determines whether the control is to be shown or not.If the variable is set to true, the label will not be displayed.

Methods (Servlets & JSP)

getFunction Gets the function to be used if the value is to be auto-calculated.
setFunction Sets the function to be used if the value is to be auto-calculated.
getComputeAtFunction Gets the function to be used if the value is to be auto-calculated relative value of the another group.
setComputeAtFunction Sets the function to be used if the value is to be auto-calculated relative value of the another group.
getEmptyText Gets the text to display when the label's value is empty.
setEmptyText Sets the text to display when the label's value is empty.
getComputeAt Gets the name of report group, relative to percent value will be calculated.
setComputeAt Sets the name of report group, relative to percent value will be calculated.
getResetAt Gets the section, where value of control should be reseted.
setResetAt Sets the section, where value of control should be reseted.
isHideDuplicates Returns if the duplicated values will be shown.
setHideDuplicates Specify if the duplicated values will be shown.
getPage Get the page that contains this control.
getFormattedValue Get the value formatted according to the control format.
setFormattedValue Use a String to set the control value. The value is taken as is i.e. formatting will not be applied to this value.
getValue Retrieves the value of the control without any formatting applied to it.
setValue This method sets the value of the control.
hasErrors Indicates whether the control has (validation) errors.
addError Add an error description to the errors collection.
getErrorsAsString Return a single String with all the error messages separated by &lt;br&gt; tags.
isVisible Indicates whether this control should be shown or not.
setVisible Specify whether this control or component should be shown or not.
getParent Get the parent component that contains this control.
isHtmlEncode Whether to encode control value before it is shown (so that html tags it may contain will be shown as is).
setHtmlEncode Set whether to encode control value before it is shown (so that html tags it may contain will be shown as is).

See also

Report Form
Report Sections
Report Section Reference

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