CodeCharge Studio

AJAX Autofill

Related AJAX Libraries


The Autofill feature retrieves a matching record from an AJAX service and populates selected fields within the current form.

The current control value will be passed to the AJAX service as an URL parameter named "keyword". An AJAX service can then use this parameter to retrieve the matching record.
The Autofill feature is implemented via the Prototype AJAX library and shown as PTAutofil.

Supported Components

All controls


Property Description
Enabled Specifies whether the feature is active.
Name User assigned name identifying the feature within HTML.
Controls Controls to be populated with field values retrieved from an AJAX service.
You can also specify the HTML property as the target for each control if other than "value". For example specify "src" to modify the image source for an Image control.
Start event Client event or condition upon which the feature is executed. You can select one or more events or conditions via the provided dialog.
Value field HTML property of the current control whose value will be passed to the AJAX service as criteria to find matching records. 
Sample values: value, innerHTML, span.
The AJAX service can use this value in the form of URL parameter named "keyword".
Service Page AJAX Service page used to retrieve matching records.

Sample Implementation

Note, the Controls field is blank.  To see the controls (Target controls) that are filled in by the Autofill feature, click on the Controls field, then the ellipsis (...) next to the field.

See also

On-line, printable versions and updates