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DateParameter Class (.NET)

Represents a CodeCharge Data Source Date parameter.


Constructor Description
public DateParameter(DateTime intValue) Initializes a new instance of the integer parameter class.


Property Description
public DateTime Value get or set value of parameter


Method Description
public virtual string GetFormattedValue(string format) Convert to string and return Value of the parameter, used mask, specified by format parameter
public static DateParameter GetParam(object param) Return the instance of DateParameter class with value specified by param parameter. If param is null (Nothing in VB) value, the null reference will be returned.
public static DateParameter GetParam(object param, string format) Return the instance of DateParameter class with value specified by param parameter. If param is String value, it will be parsed using mask, specified by format parameter If param is null (Nothing in VB) value, the null reference will be returned.
public static DateParameter GetParam(object param, object defaultValue) Return the instance of DateParameter class with value specified by param parameter. If param is null (Nothing in VB) value, the defaultValue parameter will be used.
public static DateParameter GetParam(object param, string format, object defaultValue) Return the instance of DateParameter class with value specified by param parameter. If param is String value, it will be parsed using mask, specified by format parameter If param is null (Nothing in VB) value, the defaultValue parameter will be used. If param and defaultValue are null (Nothing in VB) values, the null reference will be returned.

See also

BooleanParameter Class
IntegerParameter Class
FloatParameter Class
TextParameter Class
MemoParameter Class

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