CodeCharge Studio

Custom Insert Property

Configure the process of inserting data.

Applies to

Record, Editable Grid


This property opens a dialog where you can specify the table, procedure or SQL statement to be used for inserting data submitted via the form. This method can be used when the standard insert functionality based on the form's data source is insufficient. For example you may not want to insert all fields, or replace field values submitted by the form.

The main part of the Custom Insert dialog is the Parameters section where you configure parameters that construct the SQL query statement, or variables used in custom SQL statement, or Stored Procedure parameters. To open the parameter configuration dialog click the plus button ([+]) or double click an  existing parameter.

Parameter configuration for Table based custom insert:

When using Table type custom insert the following parameter dialog will appear:

The following table parameter configuration values are available:

  Name Provide the name of the data field you want to insert a value into.
  Type Select the type of the data field.
  Format Specify data field's format.
  Name Designate a parameter whose value will be assigned to the data field.
  Type Select parameter type.
  Format Specify parameter format.
If parameter is empty   Parameter is considered empty when parameter source collection does not contain corresponding item. This may happen, for example, when the parameter is not submitted by the form or if the code expression it is based on returns a null value.
  Do not insert field If parameter value is empty the corresponding field won't be inserted (won't be included into the SQL INSERT statement).
  Use value If parameter value is empty the specified value will be used.


Parameter configuration for SQL based custom insert:

When configuring custom insert property you may specify your own SQL INSERT statement to be executed after the form is submitted. The SQL statement can include variables in curly braces, such as {variable_name}, which will be replaced at run-time by the corresponding parameter that you must configure with the same name as each  variable used in the SQL statement. For example if an  SQL statement is  INSERT INTO departments(department_name) VALUES('{name}')  , then the corresponding name parameter must be created and configured.
To open the parameter configuration dialog click the plus button ([+]) or double click an  existing parameter.

The following SQL parameter configuration values are available:

  Name Provide the name of the data field you want to insert a value into.
  Type Select the type of the data field.
  Format Specify data field format.
  Name Designate a parameter whose value will be assigned to the data field.
  Type Select parameter type.
  Format Specify parameter format.
  Default Value The default value to be used if parameter value is empty.


Parameter configuration for Stored Procedure based custom insert:

Parameter configuration options are similar to the above SQL parameters except for additional properties, such as Data Size, Direction, Scale and Precision. Those additional options corresponds to the stored procedure parameters within your database.


See Also

Custom Insert Type property

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