CodeCharge Studio

Retrieve Value for Control

This action is used to retrieve a value from a specified source and assigning it to a form control. The retrieved value can be an expression, session, URL, form, application or cookie variable.

Property Description
Control Name The name of the control for which the value is specified.
Source Type The type of the source from which the value is retrieved.

Possible values:

  • Variable
  • Expression
  • URL
  • Form
  • Session
  • Application
  • Cookie
  • Translation
Source Name The name of the source variable which contains the value to be assigned to the form control.

For example if the URL contains "abc=123" then the value "123" can be retrieved by specifying the "Source Name" = "abc". The value can be then assigned to a control (field) on the page.

See also

Using Action to Dynamically Translate Control Value

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