CodeCharge Studio

Validate Entry

This action is used to setup one or more validation conditions for a field. Multiple fields within a form can have their own Validate Entry actions. After the Validate Entry actions have been setup, the Validate Form action is used to execute all the validations.

Property Description
Required Specify whether a field value is required or not.
Minimum Length Minimum acceptable field value size.
Maximum Length Maximum acceptable field value size.
Input Mask Input mask to be used to determine the validity of the field value. The following symbols can be used for the mask:
  • 0 - any digit,
  • L - any character in the lower or upper case.

All other symbols should be the same as in the mask string. For example, mask (000) 000-00-00 will allow entering the telephone in format (123) 123-45-67. Mask LLLL-LL00 will allow outputting the alphanumeric code with the sign in the middle, for example: ABCD-EF35.

Regular Expression Regular expression to be used to determine the validity of the field value.
Error Message Error message to be displayed if an invalid entry is made.
Validation Function Name of a custom validation function to be executed.

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