CodeCharge Studio

Key Features of CodeCharge Studio

Application Builder

The Application Builder is perhaps the most advanced web development automation tool available to web developers. With just a few clicks, users can create complex database-enabled Web applications with dozens-or even hundreds-of web pages for data management and administration.

Application Builder

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

CodeCharge Studio combines visual interface design tools with an integrated development environment (IDE) to enable developers to create powerful and sophisticated web applications in record time. CodeCharge Studio features powerful HTML and code editors, an HTML design component, project explorer, property browser, dockable tool windows, and many other features desired by professional developers.

Integrated Development Environment

Form and Component Builders

Component Builders are key constituents of CodeCharge Studio and help users assemble Web pages from multiple components such as Grid, Editable Grid, Record, Directory, Login, or Search. A Builder is a dynamic wizard that creates the appropriate component on the page by allowing the developer to specify the database table and fields that are used to display, validate or accept information.

Form and Component Builders

Visual Query Builder

Developers can easily select tables and stored procedures or custom SQL as the data source for their data-aware forms. A Visual Query Builder is provided for visual creation of SQL statements.

Visual Query Builder

Security Management/Role-based Access Control

CodeCharge Studio goes the extra mile in protecting generated Web applications by implementing additional security features that prevent users from externally modifying forms and submitting invalid data to the server. CodeCharge Studio allows developers to define secure role-based access to each page or form.

Security Management/Role-based Access Control

Support for Multiple Programming Languages

CodeCharge Studio can generate programming code in C# and VB. Net (ASP.NET), VBScript (ASP), ColdFusion, Java (Servlets or JSP), PHP, and PERL. Since the project model is stored in XML format, the programming language can be changed at any time and the same project can be regenerated in multiple programming languages.

Support for Multiple Programming Languages


CodeCharge Studio has an open architecture and is fully extensible. Most of the functionality is implemented as HTML, JavaScript, XML, and XSL. Users can customize almost any part of the built-in functionality or develop their own components, such as Builders, Components, Actions, and Styles. In the future, users will be able to obtain the CodeCharge SDK and develop their own code generation templates.

Extensive Database Support

CodeCharge Studio supports most existing databases via JET and ODBC to establish the design-time connection. The server-side connection can be made using JET, ODBC, JDBC, ADO, DBI and PHPLib to connect to databases during run-time.

Extensive Database Support

Multiple Database Connections

CodeCharge Studio supports multiple database connections to allow Web applications to utilize multiple data sources, for example, to validate user access against an external user database.

Multiple Database Connections

Site Diagram

The site diagram feature enables the developer to produce a visual representation of the pages within the site as well as show how the pages are linked to one another.

Site Diagram

Microsoft FrontPage Integration

CodeCharge Studio can be installed as an Add-In for Microsoft FrontPage. The Add-In extends Microsoft FrontPage using a set of code-generating Builders, a project explorer, properties browser and code editor. FrontPage users can use all of CodeCharge Studio's features directly within their familiar environment.

Microsoft FrontPage Integration

Integration with Other Products

Web pages created with CodeCharge Studio can be opened with any web editor, either by opening the HTML files saved by CodeCharge Studio on the disk, or by right-clicking on a page within the CodeCharge Studio IDE and selecting Open Externally. After a page is modified and saved, it is automatically available back within CodeCharge Studio.

Application Templates (Solutions)

CodeCharge Studio comes with ten templates and examples of pre-built web applications that can serve as starting points for your applications. These applications are ready for customization and adaptation for organizational needs.

Application Templates

Custom Code and Actions

Applications generated with CodeCharge Studio can be easily extended by adding custom code or by using any of the predefined Actions. Actions are user-definable code components that are inserted into events. Many actions are provided with the product, while additional actions can be created by users and shared with others. Internally, actions consist of XML and XSL code that can be easily customized.

Custom Code and Actions

Code Generation Engine

CodeCharge Studio users create web applications by connecting to a database and placing data-aware forms and components on a page. During the page design process, the representation of the project and all of its pages is saved in XML format in addition to HTML code that contains the page design.

Code Generation Engine

Sample Databases

Several sample databases and applications are provided with the distribution to help you get started with CodeCharge Studio.

Editable Grid

The Editable Grid component enables the editing of multiple records simultaneously. It allows to create order processing, inventory management, shopping cart, or any other ERP-type system whose integral functionality involves the manipulation of multiple records.

Editable Grid


The Directory component facilitates the creation of a Yahoo style Directory or Index. The Directory is made up of a hierarchy of categorized listings which the user can navigate through. This makes the Directory component especially useful when creating Web portals where information is provided taxonomically.


Multi-Select ListBox

The listbox component has been improved to allow the end user to select multiple values within the listbox, unlike in previous versions where only one value could be selected. The Multi-Select listbox can therefore be used in database tables with one-to-many relationships.

Multi-Select ListBox

Date Picker

The Date Picker component enables the user to specify date values by selecting a date from a pop-up calendar. The pop-up calendar is a small browser window which contains a monthly view of dates and also has the capability of scrolling backwards and forwards to other months.

Date Picker

File Upload

The process of transferring files from the end users machine to the server can now be accomplished by using the File Upload component. This component generates the necessary code to enable an end user to select files from their machine and submit the files so that they are uploaded to the server.

File Upload

Example Pack

The CodeCharge Studio example pack comes in the form of a CodeCharge Studio project within which there are different sub-projects which implement various programming techniques.

Example Pack


See also

On-line, printable versions and updates