CodeCharge Studio

Starting CodeCharge Studio

  1. To start CodeCharge Studio select Start | Programs | CodeCharge Studio | CodeCharge Studio in Windows. CodeCharge Studio displays a splash screen that prompts you to create a new project or open an existing one.

  2. To create a new project (i.e., web application) select New project and click OK. To open an existing project double-click it in the list of recently opened projects or select More Files... and click OK to browse and find the project on your computer.
  3. If you are evaluating CodeCharge Studio a splash screen will appear with several options that allow you to view the license agreement, try the product, activate it, or exit. If your evaluation period has expired the Try button will be disabled and you will have a choice to activate the product or exit by selecting the Quit button.

Product Activation

When you purchase CodeCharge Studio you receive a Serial Number that allows you to activate the product and remove the 30-day trial protection. Product activation also removes the message, "Generated with CodeCharge Studio" that is included at the bottom of web pages generated by the trial version.

To activate CodeCharge Studio select Tools | Activate Product ... from the CodeCharge Studio menu or press the Activation button on the initial splash screen that is shown after CodeCharge Studio is launched. In the CodeCharge Studio Activation dialog, enter the information that identifies you as a registered user.

Note: The Name, Company, and Address are optional but the Serial Number is a required field. Once you enter the Serial Number and other information click OK to activate the product via the Internet.

CodeCharge Studio attempts to connect to a server that validates the Serial Number and provides an Activation Key. If you are behind a firewall or don't have Internet access from the host computer, auto-activation is not possible. Uncheck the Auto-activation through the Internet option and visit the URL shown on the screen to obtain the activation key. You can also email to obtain the activation key via email. Pease include your serial number and the Installation Code shown on the activation screen.

See also

What You Need to Get Started

On-line, printable versions and updates