CodeCharge Studio All ASP PHP Perl ColdFusion Java C#.NET VB.NET

Setting up the work environment

CodeCharge Studio has several possible configurations based on the programming language and database being used. Each combination of language and database has its own unique merits. In each of the following tables, we examine some of the typical setups for each language.

Note: You can use setups beyond those show below.

ASP Setup

A common configuration for the development of ASP applications:

Development Environment (for the development and testing of applications):

Server Environment (for hosting the final application):

The following table provides a list of applicable operating systems, web servers, databases, and language version options for ASP and Templates.

ASP Setup

Server Operating System Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Web Server Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0 or 5.0, Personal Web Server
Scripting Engine/Language

ASP 3.0 with VBScript 5.5+

Database Server Microsoft Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, FoxPro, or other database via ODBC

The following is a list of steps that should be performed to setup and test the environment where the ASP pages will be published. These steps don't have to be followed strictly in the order in which they are presented below.

Install and configure the web server software

Some versions of Windows such as Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server and Windows XP Professional have the option of installing IIS server during the operating system installation process or later from the operating system setup CD. If your version of Windows does not allow the installation of IIS (e.g. Windows 98) you can install Personal Web Server (PWS) which is a scaled down version of IIS Server. The YesSoftware website has a tutorial that contains more information about installing and configuring PWS.

Test the Web Server

After installing the web server software, you should run a test to make sure that the server is functioning properly. For a server that has been installed on the local machine, the URL http://localhost/ or can be used to test the server. When you type in this address you should be able to see the default page in the root directory of the server. In particular, you should test a .asp page since this is the language you will be generating pages in. By default, the IIS server will bring up the .asp page (http://localhost/localstart.asp). Both IIS and PWS come with extensive documentation which you should consult for detailed setup, configuration and testing instructions.

Setup the Database

Once you confirm that you have a fully functional web server make sure that you have a suitable database to use. The easiest database to use for ASP is Access. In order for the web pages to be able to use the Access database, the security settings for the database have to be setup correctly. Make sure that the database file is not opened in exclusive mode by any other user. Using Windows Explorer, right-click on the database file and open the properties dialog. Under the security tab, make sure everyone has access to the file, or at the least the IUSR_MachineName account should have Read and Write Permissions on the file. The IUSR_MachineName account is the account that is used by the web server to access the database.

If you are using a different database such as MS SQL server or Oracle, make sure that you have an account in the database with which you can access the required tables.

Create and Test a CodeCharge Studio Project

CodeCharge Studio comes with a number of example projects that you can easily generate and publish as a way of testing your setup. Each of these examples comes with an Access database as well as a database script file that you can use to recreate the database. Please refer to the section on the example solutions for detailed instructions on how to setup and use them.

You can also refer to the Quick Start section within the documentation for step-by-step instructions to create and publish your first web application and the section on deploying ASP projects.

PHP Setup

A common configurations for the development of PHP applications:

Development Environment (for the development and testing of applications):

Server Environment (for hosting the final application):

Note: The MyODBC driver is only needed during the application design stage. The generated code can access the database directly without an ODBC driver. You can obtain the MyODBC driver from

The following table provides a list of applicable operating systems, web servers, databases, and language version options for PHP.

PHP Setup

Server Operating System Unix/Linux, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Web Server Apache, Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0 or 5.0, Personal Web Server
Scripting Engine/Language PHP 4.1 or higher
Database Server MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, FoxPro, or other database via ODBC

The following is a list of steps that should be performed to setup and test the environment where the PHP pages will be published. These steps don't have to be followed strictly in the order in which they are presented below.

Install and configure the web server software

The PHP engine can be installed on a wide variety of web servers including IIS, PWS, and Apache. The procedure for installing the PHP engine varies depending on the web server being used. The PHP engine can be downloaded from where you will also find information on how to perform the installation. You can also download the free Apache web server along with its documentation from

Test the Web Server

After installing the web server software, you should run a test to make sure that the server is functioning properly. For a server that has been installed on the local machine, the root URL http://localhost/ or can be used to test the server. Please refer to the documentation for the server you have installed for information on how to confirm that the installation was successful.

Setup the Database

It is common to use the MySQL database when publishing in PHP. You can download MySQL from where you will also find documentation for the database as well as a link to download the MyODBC driver which can be used to make an ODBC connection to a MySQL database during design time.

Create and Test a CodeCharge Project

CodeCharge Studio comes with a number of example projects that you can easily generate and publish as a way of testing your setup. Each of these examples comes with an Access database and a database script file that you can use to recreate the database. Please refer to the section on the example solutions for detailed instructions on how to setup and use them.

You can also refer to the Quick Start section within the documentation for step-by-step instructions to create and publish your first web application and the section on deploying PHP projects.

PERL Setup

A common configuration for the development of Perl applications:

Development Environment (for the development and testing of applications):

Server Environment (for hosting the final application):

Note: The MyODBC driver is needed only during the application design stage. The generated code can access the database directly without an ODBC driver. You can obtain MyODBC driver from

The following table provides a list of applicable operating systems, web servers, databases, and language version options for PERL.

PERL Setup

Server Operating System Unix/Linux, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP.
Web Server Apache, Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0 or 5.0, Personal Web Server.
Scripting Engine/Language PERL 5.0 or higher (i.e., some popular distributions of PERL include ActiveState PERL, Mod_PERL for Apache, and Indigo PERL).
Database Server MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, FoxPro, or other database via ODBC.

The following is a list of steps that should be performed to setup and test the environment where the Perl pages will be published. These steps don't have to be followed strictly in the order in which they are presented below.

Install and configure and test the web server software

The Perl language comes in many distributions as shown in the table above. Among the most popular are ActivateState Perl and Indigo Perl. You can also find more distributions at Depending on the distribution of Perl you decided to use, the accompanying documentation should contain information on how to install, configure and test the server. Note: The Perl distribution is installed on top of a web server such as Apache or IIS. If you already have a web server you can examine each of the distributions to see which is compatible with your web server. If you don't have a web server download the free Apache web server from Most Perl distributions are compatible with Apache.

Setup the Database

Database connections in Perl require special modules known as database interfaces.

It is common to use the MySQL database when publishing in Perl. You can download MySQL from where you will also find documentation for the database as well as a link to download the MyODBC driver which can be used to make an ODBC connection to a MySQL database.

Create and Test a CodeCharge Project

CodeCharge Studio comes with a number of example projects that you can easily generate and publish as a way of testing your setup. Each of these examples comes with an Access database and a database script file that you can use to recreate the database. Please refer to the section on the example solutions for detailed instructions on how to setup and use them.

You can also refer to the Quick Start section within the documentation for step-by-step instructions to create and publish your first web application and the section on deploying Perl projects.

ColdFusion Setup

A common configuration for the development of ColdFusion applications:

Development Environment (for the development and testing of applications):

Server Environment (for hosting the final application):

 The following table provides a list of applicable operating systems, web servers, databases, and language version options for ColdFusion.

ColdFusion Setup

Server Operating System Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Unix/Linux
Web Server Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0 or 5.0, Personal Web Server, Apache server
Scripting Engine/Language ColdFusion 4.0.1, 4.5, ColdFusion 5.x, ColdFusion MX
Database Server Microsoft Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, FoxPro, or other database via ODBC

The following is a list of steps that should be performed to setup and test the environment where the ColdFusion pages will be published. These steps don't have to be followed strictly in the order in which they are presented below.

Install and configure the web server software

In order to deploy ColdFusion pages a web server with the ColdFusion engine installed is required. The minimal ColdFusion version you can use is 4.0.1. This means that you can use any version higher than this i.e. 4.5, 5.0 and MX. Each of these different versions can be installed on a variety of web servers ranging from Microsoft IIS and PWS to Apache and Netscape Server. Please consult the documentation for the version that you intend to use to find out which web servers are supported and how to install and configure the ColdFusion engine on the web server.

Test the Web Server

After installing the web server software and the ColdFusion engine, you should run a test to make sure that the server is functioning properly. Please refer to the ColdFusion server documentation, which includes directions on how to test that the server is working correctly.

Setup Database

Database connections in ColdFusion can be made using ODBC DSN's or data sources that are configured in the ColdFusion Administrator panel.

Create and Test a CodeCharge Project

CodeCharge Studio comes with a number of example projects that you can easily generate and publish as a way of testing your setup. Each of these examples comes with an Access database and a database script file that you can use to recreate the database. Please refer to the section on the example solutions for detailed instructions on how to setup and use them.

You can also refer to the Quick Start section within the documentation for step-by-step instructions to create and publish your first web application and the section on deploying ColdFusion projects.

JSP Setup

A common configuration for the development of Java applications:

Development Environment (for the development and testing of applications):

Server Environment (for hosting the final application):

The following table provides a list of applicable operating systems, web servers, databases, and language version options for JSP and Java Servlets.

Java Servlets and JSP Setup

Server Operating System Unix/Linux, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Web Server Tomcat, Resin, BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Macromedia JRun, Apache + Tomcat, Internet Information Services (IIS) + Tomcat, or other Web Server that supports Servlet API version 2.2
Database Server MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, Informix, or other database via JDBC or JDBC-ODBC Bridgeŝ

The following is a list of steps that should be performed to setup and test the environment where the JSP pages or Java Servlets will be published. These steps don't have to be followed strictly in the order in which they are presented below.

Install and configure the web server software

The Servlet engine is implemented by a variety of web servers including Tomcat, Resin, Sun ONE, Weblogic, and WebSphere. The procedure for installing the Servlet engine depends on the web server being used. You can download the free Tomcat web server along with its documentation from

Test the Web Server

After installing the web server software, you should run a test to make sure that the server is functioning properly. For a server that has been installed on the local machine, the root URL http://localhost:8080/ or can be used to test the server. Please refer to the documentation for the server you have installed for information on how to confirm that the installation was successful.

Setup the Database

It is common to use the MySQL database when publishing in JSP. You can download MySQL from where you will also find documentation for the database and a link to download the MyODBC driver that can be used to make an ODBC connection to a MySQL database during design time. The MySQL JDBC driver can be downloaded from

Create and Test a CodeCharge Project

CodeCharge Studio comes with a number of example projects that you can easily generate and publish as a way of testing your setup. Each of these examples comes with an Access database and a database script file that you can use to recreate the database. Please refer to the section on the example solutions for detailed instructions on how to setup and use them.

You can also refer to the Quick Start section within the documentation for step-by-step instructions to create and publish your first web application and the section on deploying Java projects.

.NET Setup

A common configuration for the development of ASP.NET applications:

Development Environment : (for the development and testing of applications):

Server Environment (for hosting the final application):

The following table provides a list of applicable operating systems, web servers, databases, and language version options for ASP.Net (C# and VB.Net) projects.

.NET Setup

Server Operating System Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server (any edition), Windows Vista
Web Server Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 or higher, (requires installation of the Microsoft .Net Framework 1.0.3705 or later)
Scripting Engine/Language C# or Visual Basic.NET
Database Server Microsoft Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, FoxPro, or other database via ODBC

The following is a list of steps that should be performed to setup and test the environment where the .Net pages will be published. These steps don't have to be followed strictly in the order in which they are presented below.

Install and configure the web server software

In order to publish .Net pages an installation of the IIS 5.0 or higher server is required. The IIS server is available on Windows 2000 and XP Professional operating systems and the Windows 2003 server. In addition to the IIS 5.0 server download and install the .Net Framework. This can either be the .Net Framework redistributable or the .Net Framework SDK (

Test the Web Server

After installing the web server software run a test to make sure that the server is functioning properly. For a server that has been installed on the local machine, the URL http://localhost/ or can be used to test the server. When you type in this address, you should be able to see the default page in the root directory of the server.

In order to test whether the .Net Framework was successfully installed, you need to test a .aspx page. Please refer to the documentation that accompanies the .Net Framework for information on how to test that the installation was successful.

Setup the Database

Once you confirm that you have a fully functional web server make sure that you have a suitable database to use. In the case of .Net, the easiest database to use is Access. In order for the web pages to be able to use the Access database, the security settings for the database have to be setup correctly. Make sure that the database file is not opened in exclusive mode by any other user. Using Windows Explorer, right-click on the database file and open the properties dialog. Under the security tab, make sure everyone has access to the file, or at the least the "ASPNET" or "NETWORK SERVICE" (in the case of using IIS 6.0) account should have Read and Write Permissions on the file and folder where the file resides. This account is the account that is used by the web server to access the database.

If you are using a different database such as MS SQL server or Oracle, make sure that you have an account in the database with which you can access the required tables. If you intend to use an ODBC connection with .NET Framework 1.0 you need to download and install the ODBC.Net managed provider as indicated in the table above.

Create and Test a CodeCharge Project

CodeCharge Studio comes with a number of example projects that you can easily generate and publish as a way of testing your setup. Each of these examples comes with an Access database and a database script file that you can use to recreate the database. Please refer to the section on the example solutions for detailed instructions on how to setup and use them.

You can also refer to the Quick Start section within the documentation for step-by-step instructions to create and publish your first web application.

Note: .Net projects have special publishing requirements that you can read about in the section on deploying .Net projects.

See also

Working Environment

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