CodeCharge Studio

Installing CodeCharge Studio

Please ensure that your system meets the requirements stipulated in the "Prerequisites" section before beginning the installation.

  1. To begin the installation process, locate and double-click the CodeCharge Studio setup file. You must agree to the License Agreement before you can proceed with the installation process. Click on the Yes button to indicate your acceptance of the License Agreement and click Next to proceed.
  2. The next window presents you with fields to enter your name, company name, and serial number. To take advantage of the 20-day trial period enter 'Trial Version' into the Serial Number field. Click Next to proceed.
  3. Confirm or specify the destination folder where you want CodeCharge Studio to be installed. The default recommended path for installing CodeCharge Studio is C:\Program Files\CodeCharge Studio. If you wish to change this path click Browse and specify an alternate path. Once complet click Next to proceed.
  4. Choose one of the three setup options. The Typical option installs all the CodeCharge Studio options. The Compact option installs the CodeCharge Studio application files but does not install the examples or Microsoft Jet 4.0. The Custom option allows you to select the specific components to be installed.

    If you select either the Typical or Custom installation option you are then presented with a window that shows the components to be installed. You must specify the components that you want installed.

  5. After all the selected files have been installed and configured you will see a window that confirms the successful installation. Click Finish to complete the installation process.

  6. If you installed CodeCharge Studio in the trial mode you have 20-days to evaluate the fully functional software. When you launch the software a flash screen will show the number of evaluation days that remain. The screen also has four buttons. Click Try to start using the software in trial mode.

    The flash screen will also have an Activation button to activate the software using a valid serial number. This can be done by entering the serial number directly into the activation window. You can also use a browser to navigate to the web address indicated in the activation window and use your Serial Number and Installation Code to acquire an activation key. Enter the key into the Activation Key field. Click OK to complete activation.

See also

Upgrading, Repairing or Uninstalling CodeCharge Studio

On-line, printable versions and updates