CodeCharge Studio

Using the AutoComplete Options

AutoComplete options provide quick access to valid member functions or variables, including global variables, by means of the Members list. Selecting a member from the list inserts it into your code.

You can also use AutoComplete to view function declarations and variable type information.

By default, AutoComplete is turned on. However, you can turn it off when needed.

The following list is a summary of each AutoComplete option:

Using Members List

Use the Members list to work with classes.

Type your class or structure declaration, and then type a period (.) or ->. AutoComplete displays all valid members in a scrollable list.

You can use the arrow keys to move through the list, or, if you know the first few letters of the member name, begin typing to go to the member in the list directly. If you type a word that is not in the list, the nearest match is displayed.

To insert the selected member into your code, type a period characted (.) or ->, or press ENTER, TAB, or CTRL+ENTER, or double-click on the member.

Press ESC at any time to close the Members list.

Use the Members list to work with Global Variables or Global Functions

With the insertion point on a blank line in your source file, press CTRL+SPACE. The Members list opens, populated with only global variables, including global functions, classes, and local variables.

Members List Viewing

The following table shows the icons that appear in the Members list:
Icon Meaning
Private member function
Protected member function
Public member function
Private member variable
Protected member variable
Public member variable
Public property
Public enumerator
Public structure
Public interface
Public namespace
Public delegate

Using Quick Info

To display type information, move the pointer over the identifier. E.g. for declared CCGetParam function:

function CCGetParam($parameter_name, $default_value = "")
// Implementation...

Quick Info tip:

Using Parameter Info

When typing a member function, enter an open parenthesis character (to see the parameter list. AutoComplete displays the complete declaration for the function in a ToolTip. The first parameter in the list appears in boldface.

As you type the function parameters, the next parameter that you add becomes boldface.

For overloaded functions, the parameter list gives you a choice of which function you want to use. To switch between functions, use the arrow keys.

Press ESC at any time to dismiss the list, or continue typing until you have completed the function. Typing the closing parenthesis also dismisses the parameter list. If you dismiss the parameter list before completing the function and want to view it again, press CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE.

Using Complete Word

The Complete Word types the rest of a variable or function name once you have entered enough characters to differentiate the term. Type in the first few letters of the name, and then press CTRL+SPACE. AutoComplete completes the name for you. If what you have typed cannot be resolved, the Members list appears, with the nearest matching word highlighted. This can save you from having to repeatedly type long names.

AutoComplete Option Modification

By default, AutoComplete works automatically. However, you can turn it off.

  1. Open Tools/Options dialog box on General tab. Uncheck "Enable AutoComplete" option.
  2. If the option is unchecked, then CodeCharge Studio will not parse code sources and all AutoComplete options will not appear.

Invoking AutoComplete Options from the Keyboard

You can invoke AutoComplete options using keyboard shortcuts.
Key Combination Command
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE View parameter info
CTRL+SPACE Completing the Current Word
CTRL+SPACE Pressing on an empty line opens the Members list populated with global variables
CTRL+SPACE Pressing after a period (.) or -> opens the Members list populated with all valid members
UP and DOWN Arrow Keys Switch between overloaded functions
ESC Press at any time to dismiss any AutoComplete option

When AutoComplete Is Unavailable

The following describes situations when the AutoComplete options may not work as you expect:

  1. There is a code error above the cursor.
    If there is an incomplete function or other coding error above the location of the insertion point, AutoComplete will not be able to parse the code elements and therefore will not work. You can enclose the faulty code in comment delimiters to enable AutoComplete again.
  2. The insertion point is inside a code comment.
    If the insertion point is within a comment in your source file, AutoComplete options will not be available.
  3. The insertion point is inside a string literal.
    If the insertion point is inside the quotation marks around a string literal, AutoComplete options will not be available.
  4. The insertion point is outside the script markers.
    In ASP, PHP and JSP, if the insertion point is outside the script markers (<% ... %> or <? ... ?>), AutoComplete options will not be available.
  5. The insertion point is outside member declaration in a class.
    In ASP, PHP, if the insertion point is within class declaration, but it's outside class members, AutoComplete options will not be available.
  6. Function result is not treated as an object. In PHP, the function result is not treated as an object, therefore any expression of the "some_function()->" type will not render an AutoComplete list. In ASP, if the function can return several objects (different classes), its result is not treated as an object.
  7. Non-CCS Packages and .Net Framework classes are unavailable.
    The content of the linked non-CCS packages will not be supported by the AutoComplete for Java. .Net Framework and external libraries will not be supported by the AutoComplete for C# and VB.

See next

Working with Styles

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