CodeCharge Studio

Control Source Property (Report)

Specify the source of data for the control, such as the name of a database column.

Applies to

Label (Report)


This property depends on the value specified in the Source Type property. If the Source Type is a Database Column, use this property to specify the database table column that will be used to furnish the control value. Respectively, if the Source Type is a Code Expression, enter the exact code expression to be used to furnish the control value.
Control Source Type Description
Database Column The control value will come from a column within a database table.
Code Expression The control value will be derived from an expression specific to the particular programming language being used. This could be a function that returns a value, a pre-existing variable or any other valid language construct that will evaluate to a definite value.


  • 1 assigns the value "1" to the control.
  • now() assigns the current date and time to the control value.
Special Value The control value should be one of the following: CurrentPage, TotalPages, RowNumber, CurrentDate, CurrentTime, CurrentDateTime

See Also

On-line, printable versions and updates